A Q&A…What is box breath and why do it?

Sacred Woman Collective founder and certified sound healer and breathwork facilitator, Staci Levine, sitting on the beach in Santa Monica practicing breathwork by placing her right hand on her chest with candles and feathers around her

What is box breathing and how do you do it?

Box breathing is a balancing breath where you visualize the outline of a box as you inhale and exhale- it looks like this:

  • Inhale through your nose for a count of 4, as you inhale visualize the breath traveling up the left side of the box

  • Hold for a count of 4, visualize the breath traveling across the top of the box as you hold

  • Exhale through your nose for a count of 4, visualizing the breath traveling down the right side of the box

  • Hold for a count of 4, visualize the breath traveling across the bottom of the box as you hold

What are the benefits?

  • Box breath helps to activate your parasympathetic nervous system and also stimulates the vagus nerve which has a calming effect on the body and mind

  • It’s great for recentering yourself, relieving stress and improving concentration

  • Breathwork in general is great for people who live with chronic fatigue, an autoimmune disorder or serious illness for example. Think of breath as movement and it’s the most powerful ways to influence our own healing

How often should you do box breathing? How long is one session? How many times a week?

The session explained above should be done about 5 times – however it can be done up to 10 times or whenever you begin to feel the energy of the breath in your body

While box breath likely won’t have this effect, it’s good to know that if you ever feel light-headed or dizzy during any breathwork, stop immediately.

 What are some of the best times to do box breathing?

  • Anytime! In particular when you’re stressed or when you notice your breath is short and shallow

  • I like to breath when I wake up in the morning, or in the middle of the day when I’m at my desk. Box breath can be done anywhere anytime.

Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions anytime! Here’s to breath!  


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